Working Early

Life, Randomness

It’s one thing to be up before the sun rises. Farmers and some commuters do it every day. But maybe it’s just me but I think it is entirely unneccisary to be up , going to work, when the moon is still high in the sky. I had to commute with Cote this morning because my car is still trapped in Stafford. I left the house at 6am this morning, which dosen’t seem that early theoretically. Maybe it was the fact that it was FREEZING outside and I had to walk a few blocks from the Metro to the office. Maybe it was that I didn’t wear my heavy coat or gloves. Any way I look at it,it really really sucked. So now it’s 7:18am a time when I would normally be just starting to hit my alarm clock for the first time as I wake up, but I have been at work for almost an hour. Well at least there is still no actual work to do here, that’s coming next week.

I am so glad to be out of High School…6 years later.

Life, Rants

While I was cruising around the intarweb I found a log of incidents of kids getting suspended for violations of the “zero tolerance policies” I can’t begin to explain here the asshattery that is going on in schools today. Zero tolerance movement grew out of the reaction to the Columbine shootings in 1999 (i think) Having been in school on that day I can relate to the paranoia about strange kids in overcoats. But I believe that it has gotten out of hand. I remember when Mr. Johnson came to North Stafford in my senior year, he instated all kinda of new rules and enforced other ones. I remember thinking it was pretty horrible. But things have gotten ridiculous. I think that if you squeeze these kids too tight then some of them are going to pop. Teenagers need room to express themselves. Don’t get me wrong there are limits. But Zero Tolerence is not the answer, the policies need a little common sense built into them. I don’t really know why I went on this rant, but I am just so thankfull that I dont have to go back to PC Nazi high school ever again and don’t have kids in school yet! Our Horrible Children

Usually I don’t go to those kind of websites…it’s just shocking

Life, Randomness

But this is one of the funniest articles I have ever read. I’ll read it again just to make sure…yup still funny. I know it’s not from a reputable news organization, but if you make believe it makes it twice as funny. And the pictures, lets not forget about the pictures. My favorite part has to be the descriptions of the gesture. Well enough talking about it READ IT

Random Bedtime post

Life, Randomness

I love my new moshi pillow, but I don’t know the actual use for it. Are you supposed to sleep on it? Because sometimes I think it will smother me in the night. When you put your head on it the rest of it spreads out. I just love to squish it. I feel like a cat kneading a stuffed animal. I did some testing today and the pillow can cover my entire head, not just my face, it can touch itself on all sides around my head. I feel like i’m inside a clam or something.

The more things change…

Projects, websites

Not much looks like it has changed on this page, but that really isn’t true. I wanted to be able to change the CSS styles dynamically so I used the Bloxsom plugin blosxcss. It allows the user to change to the flavor that they want to. But while I was researching this I discovered CSS Zen Garden this is a site dedicated to using css to its full potential. It is really amazing how different they can make the same exact HTML page look. After that I looked at my HTML code and realized that it was not ready for any css flavor changing. I went into it and added nested div statements so that i could change the look of the page. I then went into my css file and added those divs so I could use them. So anyway hours later… I had it looking the same as when I started… but it is different underneath. So then i needed another css file. I created the “splattered” flavor in about an hour. I really like the title image and I think I will continue to modify it. These two are layed out exactly the same but it dosent have to be. I will be continuing to work with these and adding more. Just click on the one you like in the left menu and the whole site will change to that flavor.
ps…I just tested the plugin, it works in all browsers except Opera… but who cares?