Updates of the week whenever…


So what’s been going on?

I’ve been planning on writing some things about what’s been going on inside this little thing I like to call my life. But I haven’t really gotten the urge to (at least not while I’m around a computer) So I’m just going to list some things that I’ve been thinking about.


  • Linda Cropp and the DC City council on Baseball lease
  • Jack Thompson on video game violence


  • Finishing up “Jenn and Jayson” project that I started sometime in early 05′
  • Been working on the “BPW” Illustration
  • Making EPYC doodles for Lonell


  • Jealous of Wade for all the snowboarding he’s doing
  • Buying cheap shirts on Amazon.com
  • Thinking about buying a road bike to start going on the W&OD trail


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