The long strange trip is over.


So basketball season ended last night. Or I should say that it was put out of its misery. To put it lightly we sucked. To be more harsh would be to tell you the truth, that we considered it an achievement to say that we only lost by 20. We just couldn’t play together, not to mention that some of the times we only had 5 people show up.. and that’s counting my dad… who’s 59. But I think the last game ended the season well. We seemed to play well together. We didn’t throw the ball away too many times. And there weren’t that many times that we got the ball stolen while bringing it up (it could have helped that they also only had 5 people.) But I eneded the season with a double double (triple double if you count walking up the court as a stat) 20 points and at least 20 rebounds. I don’t feel bad about it, it was a good workout and I got to play with my dad. Maybe now I’ll have some more time to finish things around the house.


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