Good luck getting to the innauguartion next week. The DC metrro can barely handle the normal volume of passengers without breaking down all the time. And then, there’s parking….
I got to the Vienna Metro at 8:33 by my car’s clock, which is probably about 8:25 in real time. Both parking garages were full. And not just “oh i just missed the last spot” full. I’m talking about 50 angry people circling the lots in cars looking for some poor sucker to mow down full.
WTF? I think that’s a pretty resonable time to get to the metro, the ride should take about 45 minutes that would put me into work before 9:30, a time when most people who work in an office have to be there. I think the thing that really pisses me off is that they closed down the auxillary parking lot about a year ago, because, I assume that they were going to construct a new garage. But they’ve done nothing in the year since then and now I hear that the garage project has been cancelled because of lack of funds…. ARRRRGGG