Unlearn what you have learned
- If you try to resize a .png file and “save for web” in Photoshop as a Jpg… the results will suck.
- Apple has a great warranty on their hardware.
- Even with ATT’s crappy service on the Metro, if you start a streaming podcast at Lenfant plaza you’ll buffer enough to get you out the top of the Federal Center SW without any stuttering.
- My least favorite personality trait is “the one upper” especially the non-self-aware one upper who doesn’t like New Yorkers because “they think they’re better than you”.
- Brian Regan is still a genius.
- Idiocracy is an under rated movie.
- I can get an almost full wifi signal from the Starbucks downstairs when I am in the bathroom on the second floor.
“i haven’t eaten since tuesday”
“i’m in the army”