The re-shedening

Projects, Stuff and Things

I was procrastinating on some other things and I thought, you know why not take that wood that’s been sitting in the yard for like 2 years and cut it up and fix the trim on the shed? Cause that’s a totally normal thing to do on an overcast Saturday afternoon. And because it’s a shed, there’s no building codes, I’m not going to go to Costco and spend $600 on a shiny new plastic shed while this one is still standing under it’s own power. So a couple hours later, I’ve used every part of the buffalo.  I should have probably taken a better before picture, but I remembered after i’d already fixed part of it.

None of this is the ‘right’ way to do it. I used old rusty screws to join everything together and I didn’t really measure anything. But if you’re sick of looking at something, my message is ‘just get out there and do something’!

Now I just need to take up the rotting plywood that’s in front of it and then organize the contents of the shed…

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