Schu-Recipe : Hot Hot Soup and Bread Dogs

Life, Randomness


On my last trip to Costco I picked up a  large package of Campbell’s Healthy Select – Italian style wedding soup. Ignoring a pet peeve of mine about eating what amounts to celebration food everyday. I like Italian wedding soup, meatballs, little pieces of pasta, broth, cilantro, whatever else is in it… what could be better. Well ‘choice’ you make in being healthy seems to be abandoning your taste buds in favor of your waistline. But I’ve discovered the universal equalizer in diet food, Sriracha hot sauce. This bland healthy soup not becomes a blazing hot pho-like soup.

As for those little guys in the background… Well I’d like to tell you that I had some grand master plan for those. But really it’s that I started cooking the hot dogs when I realized that I didn’t have any buns. But like most great discoveries in human eating, this has brought a great advancement in man-food. I have discovered a way to eat a hot dog on a piece of bread without it rolling off or the bottom of the bread cracking. I know, just let that sink in for a while. All you have to do to recreate this einstein moment is… put the bread on a  plate, then the hot dogs on it, then balance a slice of cheese on it. microwave for 30-45 seconds. the cheese glues the dogs to the bread, wrapping them in a delicious blanket of security.

Schu-Review : 4 out of 5 Schus