making fun of strangers
Bart's People : What would the Dark Lord drive?
Life, Randomness
The Dark Lordmobile
What kind of vehicle would the Dark Lord Voldemort drive?
Probably the most evil car on the planet… The 94 Tercel!
Bart's People : Sarah Palin Fan
Life, RandomnessMaybe this one should be called “Hannity’s People”? Also since it doesn’t contain an actual person it’s different from the rest of the series. I was walking to work when I saw this car. I thought “that’s a funny plate to have on a Subaru” since they’re usually covered in Obama/Biden stickers and eco-slogan bumper stickers. Then I decided to look inside… The car is remarkably clean except for a big cardboard box… but what’s written on the box?
Fragile. Cow Head.
I’m not sure how this is going to end, but the combination of these two things is weirdly awesome.
Bart's People: The Millitant Mullet
Life, RandomnessIt was hard to covertly capture this mullet in a picture. Luckily I was in a position that I could use the excuse that I was taking a picture of the Air and Space Museum. But he looks like he’s the kind of person that takes things seriously… or at least may be carrying a gun.
Bart's People : Portable Computer Guy
Life, Rants
Portable Computing!
What the hell?
I get that you need to bring your iMac to work, but can’t you just carry it like a normal human? I swear I never saw the guy take it off his back when he sat down. He must have, because this cannot provide good back support.
*UPDATE* – 9/30/09 – I saw this guy coming home today. Either it was just a weird coincidence or he’s been using this thing as his laptop.
Bart's People: North Carolina Wrestlers
Life, RandomnessI really wish I could have a better picture of this sign. It’s an advertisement for the “Superior Wrestling League” event that was actually happening that night. We should have skipped the driving back to Virginia to see Mr. Sexy take on Curtis Cline. They obviously have a relaxed definition of “Sexy” down in NC. The undercard matches look awesome… we missed out.