I was cruising around some art blogs today and I found a link to his site. I looked around for a little while because there were illustrations for almost all of my favorite movies from the 70’s and 80’s. At first I thought that like Tyler Stout, he was just a fan of all of them. Then I realized…he IS the artist who did all the posters! I love every one of them.
Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Big Trouble in Little China, The Goonies, Coming to America, Back to the Future, …Mallrats!
He has such a talent for capturing the look of a character. But he’s also a master of layout, nothing seems out of place or squished in any of his drawings. I really like that he lets you see some of his preliminary sketches for the posters. It gives you a look into his drawing style, I can almost see the strokes happening right in front of me.
Some people aspire to be picasso or dali or warhol. But this is what I want to be when I grow up.