My drawing hero – Drew Struzan

Interests, Life

I was cruising around some art blogs today and I found a link to his site. I looked around for a little while because there were illustrations for almost all of my favorite movies from the 70’s and 80’s. At first I thought that like Tyler Stout, he was just a fan of all of them. Then I realized…he IS the artist who did all the posters! I love every one of them.

Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Big Trouble in Little China, The Goonies, Coming to America, Back to the Future, …Mallrats!

He has such a talent for capturing the look of a character. But he’s also a master of layout, nothing seems out of place or squished in any of his drawings. I really like that he lets you see some of his preliminary sketches for the posters. It gives you a look into his drawing style, I can almost see the strokes happening right in front of me.

sketch for the Big Trouble in Little China poster

sketch for the Big Trouble in Little China poster

Some people aspire to be picasso or dali or warhol. But this is what I want to be when I grow up.

This is the coolest Total Recall poster ever.

Entertainment, Movies

Total Recall

When I find awesome things ont he internet they are usually horribly expensive. But unfortunatley for my ba nk account this one is only $30… how could I NOT buy it at that price. I know we don’t really have any more wall space… and I just bought a bunch of prints while we were at ALL GOOD… but look at it.


It might be the perfect combination of illustration/nostalgia/printmaking/poster/kitsch… and don’t forget awesome. So now it’s on the way to my house. I’ll have to decide what Kevin Smith poster gets put in storage in favor of this one.