Playing "Pop Goes the Power Supply" with crappy chinese electronics

Life, Randomness

Back in July when my second Dell power supply bit the dust I decided that I wasn’t going to give them another $65 (at least) for a power adapter that was just going to fail in a year. So I searched on Amazon and found this cheap one for only $27. I mean it ran so hot that I couldn’t hold it for more than a few seconds, but that could be a feature, foot warmer! Well the heat or something finally got to it because it let out one last “POP” and I smelled the familiar smell of burning electronics. Dead. I cracked it open to find that some component hap burnt to a crisp.

piece of crap

^ piece of crap^

Because I’ve made a commitment to Lappy Topperson to be my computer for the forseeable future I’m going to have to buy another one. Instead of buying another cheap one or another Dell one. I’m getting a third choice, one that was only just announced back when i got this one. It costs $49 but I figure I’ll pay the extra for a brand name and the future proofing that the swappable adapters gives me.

^hopefully not crap^

I’ll post a review when it gets here on Friday.

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