Even god damn day…


I can’t figure out why… But this guy is my nemisis.

I’m sure he’s a nice guy.  He’s probably some kind of cancer survivor that works really hard and volunteers for soup kitchens. But how I know him is “That guy who’s always going the opposite direction on his recumbent bike” when I’m going to or coming home from work.

Rain or Shine, Winter or Summer, He never stops… He’s like some kind of healthy terminator.

I’ve seen him close to my house and I’ve seen him on Church street in Vienna and every road in between.  He’s never happy or sad, he just has this relentless look on his face as if riding that crazy bike is the only thing that keeps him going. He’s never going very fast… always slow and steady… winning the god damn race.

Stop being dependable and hard working when I’m barely awake and hungry!

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