Box Office Contest

Projects, websites

I’ve been in a ‘Box Office Prediction’ contest at work for several years and I’ve always found it interesting that there’s not really a site out there that will run this kind of thing for you. So I hooked up a combination of php pages with a mysql database and a php script that will pull the daily results from boxofficemojo. It’s clearly a rickety system and I haven’t worked out all the kinks, some movies don’t show up on the daily results, but those ones probably wont make the top 10 anyway.

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Projects, websites

Hello! to people who took my card from Artomatic and then came through the link to here.
Hello! to people who were searching for “Batman Spaceship”

But hello the most to people who are looking for the “Worlds Tallest Cat”. Because that post is the most popular I’ve ever done. I am going to cater to the masses and post some pictures of Frankie, hopefully with some sort of scientific measurements.

Also my other website is now the number one result when searching for “swalrus” on google… I have now fulfilled one of my life goals.

Finishing, Starting, Abandoning.

Art, Projects, websites

I’ve had a few projects in the works for the last few months. I had some graphic design work for Amar, a nursery mural for Will, some comic book style portraits for Ellen, and a cardboard boat. I actually got paid for one of these.

Not that Will won’t pay me, but I haven’t actually finished yet. That’s coming next Sunday. I’ll post pictures when I finish. Which brings me to my next project, well not really a project more like an outlet. I’m turning into an art blog, somewhere I can post in progress pictures/videos/pieces. So now I’ll have 3 levels of websites that I may or may not maintain. Professional, Personal, and Art.

I think this will help me finish more projects instead of giving up in the middle.

We’ll see!