Some poor sap at whole foods forgot to add two zeros to the ‘price per pound’ so these chickens were 14 cents each.
The Underbelly of the Internet
Entertainment, The InterwebI love finding weird sites and weird communities of people on the internet. I’m not talking about pedophiles or Child Pornography weird, just regular old American weird… or possibly Japanese weird at the most. Everybody always asks me how I find these sites, sometimes it’s through blogs like neatorama, Boing Boing, or Dubious Quality.
Other times I’m just better at the internet than you are… deal with it.
Here are some recent finds.
Giada’s Cleavage – A site dedicated to the boobs of Giada De Laurentis from the Food Network
Pot That Zit – A horrifying community of people sharing picture and videos of zits, abcesses, and cysts… popping. Even their logo is gross.
Negse – A japanese guy that has been documenting his bedhead, everyday, since 2000.
Welcome to my world.