Don’t you know who I think I am?

Entertainment, music

So after the last post defending my overall musical taste I’m going to write a post about the new Fallout Boy album. I like their music, what I don’t like is that douchebags sometimes also like their music. This is best illustrated by a new cingular commercial where a random frat guy at the gym is talking about how the new song, “This aint a scene, it’s an arms race” gets him pumped. Then he procedes to have a seizure or play air guitar, whichever is worse.

Their last album was pretty much the soundtrack to my Metro rides last summer. So much so that I pretty much played out all the songs and can’t stand them any more. But give them a few years and they’ll be good all over again. Just like those Black Eyed Peas songs that I ran into the ground, circa 2 years ago.

At first listen the songs were nothing special, but I just put them in with the rest anyway. I found that whenever they would come up on shuffle I really liked them. So I listened to them yesterday in order again and I decided that they are in fact good. Which is pretty much the begining of the end for them. I’ll most likely overplay them and be done with them.

So it begins sir.


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