2011: The Year in Schus

Life, Trips

Sometimes I forget what I’ve done last week, so it’s not a surprise that at the end of the year I would sit there on New Years Eve and think “What have I done this year?” According to my Picasa gallery, a lot.

The biggest thing I did this year was buying a house. We bought a house in Fairfax in January 2011. I really love it, but having a mortgage really makes you grow up fast. The house was already renovated when we moved in, so there wasn’t many big house projects to take care of. So I built a bar instead.

There were concerts and birthdays and trips to NYC/Georgia/Tampa/Niagara Falls, We hosted Easter and Thanksgiving at our house, I grew a beard, another Cardboard boat race, 2 weddings, and we ran our first adventure race (the warrior dash).

It was a pretty great year in the Schumaker’s life, But without our friends and family there to share in our adventures it wouldn’t have been as fun.

I give it 5 Schu’s.

We survived the Warrior Dash

Life, Trips

I was a runnin.

It was pretty awesome. But having turned 30 and not worked out for about… ever, the actual running parts were really really hard for me. But the obstacles were a great way to break up the running. Also I realize that my running fool sister will be laughing at me for struggling to finish a 5k race in under an hour. Because they didn’t get the ABC license for the event and there was no beer for sale, the promoters are giving everyone free entry into next years race. So we’ll be seeing everyone down there on Sept 29th 2012!

Peru-nymoon – Part 1 : Lima

Life, Trips

We arrived in Lima at about 830pm and got into a taxi to the hotel. To say it was a shock would be an understatement. It was like being dropped into another planet, it reminded me of Blade Runner. Passing by tons of neon lights in the rain at high speeds. The neighborhood by any airport isn’t the best part if town in any city and this was no different. It was going good until Laurel turned to me and says “Is it weird that in a little scared”… YES, it was weird. She was supposed to be my travel guide, but we are In this together an that’s all that mattered… and there was no turning back now!

We checked into the hotel in northern Miraflores and asked the man at the front desk if there was anything open to eat around here, he suggested a little place around the corner. It turned out to be an Italian place, Which are apparently very popular in Lima. The wine was great and the food was delicious.  A trend that would continue through out our trip.  We were so tired that all we could manage was a quick walk around the neighborhood and then back to he hotel. We didn’t know it at the time but we were right next to the Huaca Pucllana, which is a huge ancient ruin, but as is common in Peru, you don’t always know the history of the area around you.  When we got back to the hotel they gave us two bottles of Cusquena to celebrate our arrival in Peru! These would not be our last Cusquenas…

The Beat-down of the Beltway

Life, Trips

Going into the game we did not know that two of our players were suspended, so I’d say that we were a little too optimistic. I guess we should pay more attention. Jesse and I met at “The Froggy Bottom Pub” which was turned into “the Mason Bottom Pub” for about 2 hours before the game. Everyone there was in high spirits hoping for a good outcome. I still think Mason fans are still getting used to pregame festivities, but we’re learning. On the walk to the stadium it was great to see all the Green and Gold. Walking into the gym I could tell that the fans had really showed up.

Mason fans to the Left

Mason fans to the Left

Mason fans to the right

Mason fans to the right

and then the game started.

It was a turnover filled beating of a game. It’s not like GW started out very hot either, but Mason couldn’t hit any shots. Long must have missed 5 straight runners in the lane. In the first half Hancock was awesome. The GW fans behind me kept saying “just don’t let the white guy get it!”. Which would have been a pretty good strategy in the first half. At halftime I went to the bathroom, in what seemed like the locker room, and then came back to talk with Jesse. “I hope they come out hot in the second half”….

They did not.

GW started the second half on a 14-2 run and the game was pretty much over with 10 minutes left. We almost left at that point because we were so frustrated. But we stuck it out to the end to see them pull a little bit closer, mostly due to sloppy passes by GW subs. On the way out I heard a Mason fan say “These guys aren’t worth traveling to Wilmington for”. They are not… yet.


Are you ready to stare into the face of our Criminal Ninja?

Life, Trips

And other assorted wackiness.

I spent the weekend camping with “All the Freaky People in the World“… well not all of them. Just the ones on the middle of the east coast. From New York to North Carolina the freakies gathered on a small beach like plain in Delaware to celebrate the coming fall at the phenomenon know as “Playa Del Fuego“.

And it was awesome.

This is not part of the liberal media attack. This is not part of the radical right wing agenda. This is part of the freedom of American expression. 1000 people gathering to have fun and party from Thursday to Monday… twice a year. Chocked full of fire and spirits.  I have to admit it was all very hard to take in for a couple of first timers. The date really snuck up on us and we didn’t really know much about it before hand. But that’s the way Laurel and I roll… we’re the explorers. We’re like the seal team of awesomeness, we go in first, scope the place out, and then call in the reinforcements. Next year I promise we’ll bring more to share and more people to share it with.

Also, I want to thank the guys from “Whiskey and Whores” for putting up with me on Saturday night. They know who they are!
