Hey it’s that guy from… (The boy who could fly)

Entertainment, TV

He could!

This is one of those movies that I watched all the time but I didn’t really like that much. I think it was recorded on a tape that also had a movie that I really wanted to watch. At my house movies were recorded off of HBO onto VHS tapes, so you could get 3 whole movies on a tape. So you’d finish watching Ghostbusters and then the tape would keep going and the next movie would come on. I think this was on the same tape as ‘Flight of the Navigator‘ which would make since their both that warm and fuzzy ABC ‘movie of the week’ kind of thing.

Where else do I know him from? Well for me his #2 role would be as ‘Bug’ the skeezy boyfriend in ‘Uncle Buck‘, but you may know him from the Public Library rental, Not Quite Human. What commercial may you have seen him in? Find out after the break.

Hey it’s that guy from… (The Mighty Ducks)

Entertainment, Movies, TV

Goldberg, THE GOALIE!

It’s seems like it’s the fate of child actors to be instantly recognizable but totally unemployable at the same time. This is [W:Shaun Weiss], while he’s done a fair amount of things since 1992 I’ll always recognize him as “Goldberg the Goalie” from The Mighty Ducks.  I’m sure that I’ve seen him in a commercial for Fridays or Applebees or some kind of chain restaurant. He was at a table with some other smiling idiots, pretending to enjoy their zesty nachos or something.  I couldn’t find a video of his more famous performance in the Castrol GTX sludge commercial, everyone seems to be fixated on Danger E Sullivan’s madcap antics. I did find a picture of him ordering at the drive thru in that one, just imagine him getting slimed with black grease. Unless we get D4: the new batch anytime soon. Then this might be the only way we’re going to see him on TV. So be on the lookout for Goldberg hocking fast food or motor oil on a set near you.

Castrol GTX - Sludge

Verizon Wireless - Big Moment

Hey it’s that guy from… (Beerfest)

Entertainment, TV


There are a ton of times that I’m watching a commercial and I say “Hey it’s that guy from that movie!” and then everybody responds.

What? From where? What are you talking about? Why are you so excited?

I know actors have to work to make money, so I’m not looking down on them. It’s just that I identify them with one role in my head and then they come out selling car wax and I think it’s funny. Most of the time the role I know them from isn’t even their biggest role, some times the commercial becomes more famous than the movie role.

That is the case here. I know this guy as Mr. Schniedelwichsen, the German guy who leads the two brothers to Beerfest… and then subsequently gets killed. So then last year he showed up in a commercial that is probably more widely seen than Beerfest, as the “Think with your dipstick” Guy for Castrol Motor oil. But I first spotted him in a IBM ad for their medical imaging tech. I remember seeing him in that white lab coat and thinking… “Are they trying to pass off the guy from Beerfest as an actual doctor?”

More pictures and videos after the break…