Chi Blast
I’m almost convinced that with basic computer skills and the ability to use the internet anyone can become a graphics professional. There are so many high quality Photoshop and Illustrator tutorials out there that the work is basically done for you.
I think we had a discussion about this with my painting professor back at Mason. She was of the mindset that it didn’t take any “skill” to be a digital artist because you couldn’t add emotion using more forceful “brush strokes” using the mouse. While I agree to some point, you do have to build up a vast knowledge of slider settings and a wide array of brush and texture files to produce high quality pieces.
I’m clearly not at the level I want to be yet. I’m at the level where I can take some of the pieces of these tutorials and combine them into something cool. So I made this background for Wade, I think it’s more my style than his, but… whatever.
Retro Illustration Tutorial